
ten days on the island
leigh hobba – the space of presence: time spans
judith abell
ten days on the island
port arthur project: sites unseen
bec tudor
ten days on the island
queen of the snakepit: stories, shandies and supersnakes
lucy hawthorne
ten days on the island
realtime on the island
ten days on the island
the write/here project: signs of the times
judith abell

special features
urban theatre projects
urban theatre projects: urgent agendas
jo litson on UTP then, now and next
sydney performance
another time now
keith gallasch in the worlds of patrick white
and ronnie burkett
michael kieran harvey
an experiment in life at the piano
danielle carey & michael kieran harvey talk art, science, politics...
mirror stories: the implicated audience
john bailey immersed in anna tregloan’s black
international - forced entertainment
radical theatre of failure
christine evans on forced entertainment in vancouver & dublin
International BFI
twixt black box & white cube
fabienne nicholas at the new BFI southbank, london
australian centre for photography
acp: photography speaks up
keith gallasch talks with alasdair foster & bec dean
japan media arts festival
the cool of artertainment
cat jones works through the japan media arts festival

online exclusive
the body written, recollected, haunted
jonathan marshall on perth festival performance
online exclusive
the wrong mr right
jonathan bollen is enaged by unreasonable adults
a loving punch-up
adam jasper at performance space’s night time #1
a shared madness
tony reck at la mama for kit lazaroo’s asylum
history too innocent
christopher scanlon on melissa reeves’ the spook
obituary: lindzee smith
richard murphet
out of the underworld
sue moss witnesses lucy wilson’s ascent
working that european thing
jonathan bollen on recent performance in adelaide

a vertiginous theatre
doug leonard is moved by clare dyson’s absence(s)
crossing the divide
karen pearlman at the new york dance on camera festival
dancing at the interface
erin brannigan in barcelona for iDN
doubly emergent
chunky move’s glow at the studio
setting boundaries, combating fear
jan cornall on martin del amo’s new work
to learn again to adventure
sophie travers interviews new york’s miguel gutierrez
unnerving and uncanny
jonathan marshall takes in strut and skadada

visual arts
indoors and out there
dan mackinlay tests the raunch of CCAS’ oomph
seeing what we need to see
bec dean on an activist art gathering in sydney
so artless, so interesting
greg hooper takes in video art at APT5
unmissable marker
owls at noon at the ima

online exclusive
the touch of nations (the companies we keep)
zsuzsanna soboslay at canberra’s multicultural festival
media multiplies opera
jonathan marshall talks to michel van der aa
sitsky's progress
chris reid reviews the way of the seeker
split radio breaks the spell of pop
mimic mass sirens seduce chris reid
subtle assaults
tony osborne at the now now festival
whistling on the way to the apocalypse
chris reid catches a flying horse

film & screen culture
babel, silenced
sofya gollan on deafness in inarritu’s babel
cinemas of possibility
dan edwards on new asian films in aff
films otherwise unseen
the goethe institute’s 2007 festival of german film
genres transcended
sandy cameron on new asian feature films at AFF
lo-budget good health
sandy cameron on new australian films at AFF
of profits and prophets
dan edwards at AIDC 2007
the logic of mediation
megan carrigy at the sydney arab film festival
unpicking the flicks
sasha grbich sees CACSA’s scary movie
wrestling with fandom
keith gallasch in the ring with megan spencer’s lovestruck

+onscreen media arts
online exclusive
the converging of art history and media art
paul thomas reviews oliver grau’s MediaArtHistories
apocalypse near you
darren tofts enters northern void
art vs apparatus
christine collins at EAF’s symposium on the future
but is it washable?
dan mackinlay inspects ANAT’s interactive wearables
imagining the invisible
anna davis on media arts responses to mediatised life
loungeroom critique
joni taylor on linda wallace’s back to berlin
upgrading and evolving
sarah pirrie looks into videdromo 1.5 at 24hr art
word magic: the how of reading
tim wright on the electronic literature collection