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What next? The arts. age, regions and community
Oscillate’s beetle dancing
Diana Klaosen
What next? The arts. age, regions and community
Stompin Youth: working on the railway
Sue Moss
Chunky Moves dances the irreducible
Philipa Rothfield
Crashing the party
Philipa Rothfield
Philipa Rothfield
Lucy Guerin: finality and new directions
Shaun McLeod
Mixed Metaphor: selected breakages
Jonathan Marshall
Peeling back epidermis Australis
Dickon Oxenburgh
Powerhouse dancing: Les attitudes monstre gai
Indija Mahjoeddin
visual arts
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film & screen culture
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+onscreen media arts
Experimenta's Orbital view
Anna Dzenis
futureScreen 00: getting Alife
Mitchell Whitelaw talks with Keith Gallasch
Meatings: online writing and other communities
Bernard Cohen