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Sydney Festival 1997
Talking it over
A selection of responses to the 1997 Sydney Festival
Making web dances
Eleanor Brickhill visits Molissa Fenley’s web site, Latitudes
Something beyond
Julia Postle on nouvelle danse and Compagnie de Brune in Quebec
The real material
Eleanor Brickhill at Speak to me, Sugar
visual arts
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film & screen culture
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+onscreen media arts
Beyond off-site
David Varga talks to Street Level directors David Cranswick and Kathy Cleland
Curiouser and curiouser
Lisa Gye in search of the experimenta media arts festival
I am papyrus, parchment, paper, computer screen
John Conomos looks into Regis Debray’s mediology
Lo-fi nostalgia and the music of aural voyeurism
John Potts considers the work of sound artists Scanner and Paul DeMarinis
Personality problems
Greg Hooper reviews two artificial intelligence novels